Janet on a set up call with Grace
Password: cJ4=#f#Z
Janet on a set up call with Maggie
Password: 9!R&Us8V
Janet coaching Jess
Password: X^Szw0A1
Janet coaching Mikaela
Password: 2p9A*k#T
Janet coaching Toni
Janet on a cold intake with a Nike contact
Password: 6@eUTgLa
Notice how much time is spent playing with vision.
Notice Janet doesn't rush into strategy.
Recommendation is to have the intake call paint by numbers pulled up as you watch.
Notice how Janet handles not having enough time at the end of the call and that she doesn't rush into talking about rates since they haven't landed on a specific vision yet.
Janet coaching Stephanie
Password: 0a%=A19Z
Janet on an intake call with Chelsie
Password: 9I.5e3as
Janet coaching Stephanie
Password: 7J^#$Ww*
This call is 5 months into coaching.
Janet starts recording after they finish a grounding and, per Stephanie's request, is adding affirmations into Stephanie's Asana, that Janet invited her to say.
Typical format would be Integrity, Max Value, then FACTS, but based off Stephanie's energy and Janet's notice of how Stephanie was "feeling", Janet went straight to FACTS by inviting her to turn her complaint into a vision.
No right or wrong here, but ground into that as the paint by numbers so as not to just grab onto any complaint at any time.
Janet on an intake call with Joel
Password: 2y^j+&o5
Janet on a Vision call with Claire
Password: .8EDhER&
This is an example of a vision/intake call with a client who struggles to vision and dream. Things that might be helpful for you as you grow: an example of how to prime, how to give immediate feedback to make the most of the time, how to walk someone through a racket, how to wrap up a call when we haven't landed on a clear thrilling vision and set up the follow up call, and how to make sure there's clear next steps. In this call, Janet deviates from the anatomy of a vision call structure and discusses mindset first.
Sample intake forms can be found on the Links and FAQ’s page.
Coaching Call with Amanda
Password: D1$u$#0k
Coaching Call with Joseph
Password: g1%vADuh